European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2023
Delft University of Technology, June 28-30, 2023Link to registration
About the meeting
The European Trilinos User Group (EuroTUG) meeting series offers a platform for Europe-based users and developers of the Trilinos Project to
- learn about recent developments in Trilinos,
- report on their use cases and experiences with Trilinos,
- interact with the Trilinos leadership and core developers, and
- form a European network of Trilinos users and developers.
While the annual Trilinos User Group meeting hosted by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, NM, serves as the main community event for Trilinos users, the EuroTUG facilitates easy access to the Trilinos community and reduced travel burdens for Europe-based researchers and application engineers who are interested in the Trilinos project.
The European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2023 will take place on the campus of the Delft University of Technology.
The meeting will be organized under the support of
- the TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE) and
- the Delft High Performance Computing Centre (DHPC).
In order to participate in the EuroTUG Meeting 2023, please fill the registration form prior to May 26 (extended deadline), 2023. Registration is required for speakers as well as attendees without a contribution.
The registration is free of charge.
If you have any questions or trouble with the registration, feel free to contact us via email at eurotug@tudelft.nl.
Scientific programme (tentative)
The meeting program will encompass:
- Introductory tutorials on Trilinos and Kokkos
- Talks by active Trilinos developers on recent developments and trends
- Presentations by active Trilinos users to showcase various application scenarios of Trilinos
- Group discussions on relevant topics
Wednesday, 28. June 2023
This day will focus on beginner level and will introduce new users to Trilinos.
Time (CEST) | Topic | Speaker |
10:00 | Registration | |
10:30 | Introduction to Trilinos | Alexander Heinlein / Matthias Mayr |
11:00 | How to install Trilinos? | Alexander Heinlein / Matthias Mayr |
11:30 | Hands-on: configure, build and install Trilinos | all participants |
12:30 | Break | |
14:00 | Using Trilinos in application codes - Part I | Alexander Heinlein / Matthias Mayr |
14:30 | Hands-on: minimal example to include and use Trilinos - Part I | all participants |
15:30 | Break | |
16:00 | Using Trilinos in application codes - Part II | Alexander Heinlein / Matthias Mayr |
16:30 | Hands-on: minimal example to include and use Trilinos - Part II | all participants |
17:30 | Wrap-up | Alexander Heinlein / Matthias Mayr |
Thurdsay, 29. June 2023
Time (CEST) | Type | Topic | Speaker |
8:30 | Registration | ||
09:00 | Welcome & Opening | Alexander Heinlein / Matthias Mayr | |
09:10 | Developer talk | Linear solvers in Trilinos | Luc Berger-Vergiat, SNL |
09:40 | User-contributed talk | Parallel Scalable Domain Decomposition Methods in Pharmaco-Mechanical Fluid-Structure Interaction | Lea Saßmannshausen, U Köln |
10:10 | User-contributed talk | Diagonally-Addressed Matrix Nicknack: How to improve SpMV performance | Jonas Schulze, MPI Magdeburg |
10:40 | Break | ||
11:10 | Developer talk | Intrepid2 for Fast High-Order Assembly (Part 1, Part 2) | Nate Roberts, SNL |
11:40 | User-contributed talk | Speeding up sparse iterative solvers in Trilinos using RACE | Christie Alappat, FAU Erlangen |
12:10 | User-contributed talk | Computing transition probabilities in stochastic ocean-climate models using Trilinos | Sven Baars, U Utrecht |
12:40 | Lunch break | ||
14:00 | User-contributed talk | Adapting an Epetra-based application to use MueLu block transfer operators: experiences from a beginner | Nasser Alkmin, U Innsbruck |
14:30 | Tutorial | Kokkos | Damien Lebrun-Grandie, ORNL |
16:00 | Break | ||
16:30 | Tutorial | Kokkos | Damien Lebrun-Grandie, ORNL |
17:30 | End | ||
19:00 | Dinner |
The dinner will take place at:
Eetcafé De Verbeelding
Verwersdijk 128
2611 NL Delft
Friday, 30. June 2023
Time (CEST) | Type | Topic | Speaker |
09:00 | Tutorial | Kokkos | Damien Lebrun-Grandie, ORNL |
10:30 | Break | ||
11:00 | User-contributed talk | How to use TrilinosWrappers in deal.II to parallelize your code | Jan Philipp Thiele, U Hannover |
11:30 | User-contributed talk | Development of physics-based multi-level block preconditioners in Trilinos/MueLu | Max Firmbach, UniBw M |
12:00 | Lunch break | ||
13:00 | Keynote | High Performance Computing at the TU Delft | Kees Vuik, TU Delft |
14:00 | Roundtable discussion | all participants | |
15:00 | End |
Optional add-on: Kokkos experts will be available until 17:30 to answer individual questions.
Venue & Accommodation
The European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2023 will take place in Committee Room 3 at the Aula Conference Centre of the Delft University of Technology:
TU Delft Aula Conference Centre (Building 20)
Mekelweg 5
2628 CC Delft
The Netherlands
More information will follow. Click here for information on how to get to Delft.
For accommodation, we recommend the following hotels:
Hotel | Website | Address | |
Hampshire Hotel Delft Centre | reservations@hoteldelftcentre.nl | hoteldelftcentre.nl | Koepoortplaats 3, 2612RR Delft |
Museum Hotel Best Western | info@museumhotel.nl | museumhotels.nl | Oude Delft 189, 2611HD Delft |
Hotel De Plataan | info@hoteldeplataan.nl | hoteldeplataan.nl | Doelenplein 10, 2611BP Delft |
The Social Hub Delft | delft@thesocialhub.co | thesocialhub.co | Van Leeuwenhoekpark 1, 2611GW Delft |
Hotel Casa Julia | reservations@casajulia.nl | casajulia.nl | Maerten Trompstraat 33, 2628RC Delft |
Organizing committee
The European Trilinos User Group Meeting 2023 will be jointly organized by:
- Dr. Alexander Heinlein (TU Delft)
- Dr. Matthias Mayr (University of the Bundeswehr Munich)